Network and training partners
The versatile training concept of FASZIO® provides well-founded and topic-oriented insights into the world of fascia and offers, among other things, practical cupping training and afterWORK shops with BellaBambi®.
AHAB Academy
The AHAB Academy is a renowned, state-recognized provider of training and further education in the healthcare industry. The work and application with BellaBambi® was integrated into the training to become a professional fascia trainer.
The beauty technical school no. 1 in Switzerland impresses with a wide range of products in the areas of hair, nail, cosmetics and feet. With BellaBambi®, DOBI offers a day course for cosmetic applications on the whole body.
Beate Heydkamp is a creative and holistically trained BellaBambi® expert from the very beginning. In Puchheim near Munich, the alternative practitioner offers a variety of treatments and courses with BellaBambi® on various topics.
Academy of Sports and Health
“High-quality training at fair prices” is the motto of this academy, which operates nationwide with lecturers. Working with BellaBambi® was integrated into the training to become a fascia trainer.
True life values
The acid-base experts have launched their own fascia deacidification seminar with BellaBambi®. They are committed to long-term quality of life and health through knowledge transfer.
Stephen Richelli
Stefan Richelli is particularly creative with BellaBambi®. He always has his finger on the pulse and is in demand as a speaker worldwide, especially in South America and Europe. He is characterized by a holistic perspective when using BellaBambi®.
Gunda Slomka is one of the most competent and popular lecturers in training theory and sports therapy. The BellaBambi® Cups are part of the 100-hour Fascia Master Trainer training. Fascia in motion
Melanie Gerstmayr is a professional jaw and face cupper. Their offer is aimed at the whole family and includes special cupping methods during pregnancy or cupping for children.
Body feeling by Elisa Leykauf
With a holistic view, Elisa Leykauf unites the world of
Fascia with the world of yoga. She conveys the fusion of both worlds with great feeling in workshops and training courses.
Yin Yoga by Stefanie Arend
As an absolute expert in this special type of yoga, Stefanie Arend shares the latest findings from fascia research
incorporated into their yoga practice and school. Yoga and cupping - both arise from an ancient tradition and are interpreted here in a modern way.
Integral fascia yoga by Daniela Meinl
Daniela Meinl even goes one step further and developed a completely new yoga practice based on the latest findings from yoga and fascia: Integral Fascia Yoga.